Sunday, February 21, 2010

La Ruta Natural

La Ruta Natural is a very intriguing short film. The film follows the life of one man, but instead of taking it from beginning to end, it follows his life backwards from end to beginning. The film starts showing his death, and keeps moving backwards, showing the death, life, and birth of his son, the beginning of his marriage, and the beginning of his life. The man narrates through the whole film also. He is describing his thoughts as he travels through time backwards with the film. This creates an interesting backwards dynamic. He believes that war creates things and gives life to people, as well as thinking that people are constantly giving money to each other.

The Director of this film uses a variety of techniques to get his point across. The most noticeable one is the fact that all of the film is being played backwards. This isn’t very noticeable at first, when things are moving slowly to begin with, but as new things start occurring, it becomes more obvious. This gives a strange feel, but it is surprisingly fluid. Through all of this the narrator is experiencing it as we are. He is constantly growing younger, and experiencing everything backwards.

It is difficult to determine what this film is really about. Because it is so unique and experimental, it is difficult to find the director’s intention. After thinking about it, though, it is really a film about life. By showing everything backwards, the film’s reverse psychology emphasizes how good or bad things like money and war really are. We learn that because he is experiencing life backwards, the protagonists opinions are all backwards, too. This reverse psychology mixed with the filmmaking techniques helps to show a more complete view of life than a normal film could.

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