Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Initial Reaction to Un Chien Andalou

To say that Un Chien Andalou is a very unique film would be to put it very mildly. It is less a film than sixteen minutes of strange, somewhat connected images and moments. These different images invoke all sorts of emotional responses from the audience. That is, whenever the audience has understood the fact that there isn't a story to understand with this film. The emotional impact is difficult to receive when the viewer is so confused by the film, which is unfortunate because it is extremely difficult to not be confused, especially on the first viewing. further viewings would likely make it easier to feel these emotional moments, but not to understand the film itself.

The film seems to have little purpose as a movie. It seems as though the director filmed a dream he once had. There are several images that are surrealistic, and several that simply don't make sense. The film jumps back and forth through time, but it is difficult to understand why because the time has no effect on the film. There is likely a purpose to the film, but it is difficult to find with all of the strange occurrences that are going on in the film.

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